Thursday, June 30, 2011

Shop for the Industry’s Best Portable Balance at Block Scientific

Block Scientific offers Scout Pro 2000 g x 0.1 g with Square Pan for Laboratory and Educational Applications.

A premier medical laboratory equipment supplier inNew York, Block Scientific offers Scout Pro 2000g x 0.1g with Square Pan for laboratory or educational applications. The Industry’s best portable balance, the OHAUS Scout® Pro features easy-to-use two-button operation, a high-contrast LCD display, multiple weighing units, four application modes, and more. Scout Pro interface accessories are easy to install at anytime, even after purchase. The data cable is integrated in the kit, eliminating the need for additional cables.

Features of Scout Pro 2000 g x 0.1 g Balance
  • Maximum Protection
  • Multiple Application Modes
  • Multiple Weighing Units
  • Easy to Use
  • Easy to Clean
  • Battery or AC Power
  • RS232 or USB Connectivity
Scout Pro 2000 g x 0.1 g offers superior performance in a portable balance.

About Block Scientific

Block Scientific is a leading provider of laboratory equipment offering a broad range of lab products and supplies required for your laboratory applications, both new and reconditioned models. Block Scientific carries an extensive inventory of the most respected brands in the industry at very competitive prices. Equipment service contracts and repair solutions are also offered for most clinical laboratory equipment. For more information, visit us online at or, or call 1-866-203-5777 (Toll Free) or 631-589-1118.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Get Reliable Lab Equipment Service Contracts and Repair Solutions at Block Scientific

Block Scientific offers Economical, Customized Services and Repair Solution.

Block Scientific, a worldwide laboratory equipment supplier based in the US, offers equipment service contracts and repair solutions for all laboratory equipment you purchase from us or from the manufacturer. Our prime focus is to provide you value services that ensure the smooth functioning of your lab equipment. As we are a CCR-certified laboratory equipment vendor, we provide cost-effective and comprehensive solutions to help universities and government institutions enhance the efficiency of their laboratory procedures.

We can provide on-site service or repair for your laboratory equipment. Our technicians can come to your facility and provide timely service to minimize equipment downtime. We also stock spares and consumables, so you can rest assured that your equipment will get back on track as soon as possible.

Block Scientific’s team of factory-trained technicians provides on-site preventive maintenance (PM) service. They thoroughly check and clean your lab equipment to ensure that it works efficiently and provides reliable results within the stipulated time. Our quality maintenance services enhance the durability of your laboratory devices. We also ensure that your equipment complies with the necessary QA and safety standards.

We can provide customized annual on-site service contracts as well as time and material service visits for scientific and medical research lab equipment ranging from blood gas analyzers, chemistry analyzers, coagulation analyzers, electrolyte analyzers, hematology analyzers, immunology analyzers, and centrifuges to co-oximeters and luminometers.

Block Scientific depot service contracts cover all parts and labor for smaller pieces of equipment such as centrifuges and small analyzers weighing less than 100 lbs.

You can count on us to keep your clinical laboratory equipment operating accurately and reliably. Call 631-589-1118 or send an email to to get a quote for our quality medical equipment services and repairs.

Awareness Technologies’ ChemWell T Clinical Chemistry Analyzer Available at Block Scientific

A Fully Automated, Random Access Analyzer, Chem Well-T ensures precise results.

Chem Well-T from Awareness Technologies, the fully automated, random access analyzer, is available at Block Scientific. A leading distributor of high quality laboratory equipment based in New York City, Block Scientific is committed to offering you medical laboratory equipment at the lowest prices possible.

Chem Well T, a dependable, fully automated random access analyzer for biochemistry and lmmuno-turbidimetric assays, provides highly precise results. This PC-controlled random access open system is easy to program and ensures optimum speed, dependability, and economy. It is specifically designed for the small lab environment. You can select up to five from an assortment of removable, interchangeable rack sectors to customize the reagent/sample platform for your workload.

Chem Well T Features
  • Cuvettes are easy to load and unload

  • Cuvettes automatically glide through the optical system for endpoint and kinetic reading

  • 8 strips of 5 cuvettes each allows 40 reactions without intervention

  • Delivers 5mL to 450mL with typical precision of 2% CV or better

  • Oscillates to mix

  • Reusable after washing

  • Starter quantity supplied

  • Additional cuvettes are commercially available

The product comes with Installation and Training included, and a One Year Warranty.

About Block Scientific

Block Scientific carries an extensive inventory of the most respected brands of lab equipment and accessories at very competitive prices. Whether you are looking for outstanding pricing on new equipment or for the high reconditioned equipment, our guarantee of quality, value, service, and selection will ensure your satisfaction.

For more information, visit: or contact

1620 Ocean Avenue Unit 3

Bohemia, NY 11716 USA

Tel : 1-866-203-5777 (toll free)

Tel : 631-589-1118

Fax : 631-589-4088

E-mail -

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Chem Well Line of Analyzers from Awareness Technology at Competitive Prices

Block Scientific offers Chem Well T, Chem Well 2910, and, Chem Well 2902 Offered at reasonable prices

As a leader in the global laboratory equipment market, Block Scientific is proud to distribute the Chem Well analyzers at highly competitive prices. Block Scientific has now added the following models to its proven line of chemistry analyzers:

  • Chem Well T

  • Chem Well 2910

  • Chem Well 2902

Chem Well T is an ideal choice when it comes to performing biochemistry and immuno-turbidimetric assays. It is a PC-controlled random access open system optimized in quality, speed, dependability, and economy, designed specifically for the smaller lab environment.

  • Cuvettes are easy to load and unload

  • Reusable after washing

  • Additional cuvettes are commercially available

Chem Well 2910 is a completely open system that is easy to program. This unit is ideal for physician offices, veterinary clinics and small labs. Features include

  • 200 tests per hour

  • No carry-over

  • Typical throughput - Up to 200 endpoint reactions per hour, up to 170 kinetic reactions per hour

  • Typical reaction volume - 200µ L or less

Chem Well 2902 can set up assays, routine jobs, quality control, panels, even index calculations to suit your laboratory. A password system and log of changes protect your programs. You can choose from a large selection of monitoring and reporting styles.

One Year Warranty and Installation and Training are included in the price. A Reagent Cooling Accessory can be purchased separately for these Chem Well products.

About Block Scientific

Established in 1980 and with over thirty years experience, Block Scientific is well-positioned to satisfy all your medical laboratory equipment needs, affordably and efficiently. Many categories of equipment such as Blood Gas, Electrolyte, Chemistry, Immunology, Hematology, Coagulation, Microbiology, Urinalysis as well as a complete offering of ancillary laboratory equipment, reagents, and controls are offered here to meet your laboratory application requirements. For more information about the new line of products we supply, visit our online store at or call 1-866-203-5777 (toll free).

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hand-held 120g x 0.1g Portable Weighing Scale at Block Scientific

OHAUS’ handheld 120g x 0.1g weighing scales that we offer at Block Scientific brings convenient, compact, portable weighing capability in the palm of your hand.

Block Scientific – A Reliable Source for Purchasing Hand-held 120g x 0.1g Portable Weighing Scales.

OHAUS’ handheld 120g x 0.1g portable weighing scales are now available at Block Scientific – a leading laboratory equipment supplier in theUS. We carry a diverse line of analytical and precision balances and scales from OHAUS. Their handheld 120g x 0.1g brings convenient, compact, portable weighing capability in the palm of your hand. You can take this product anywhere, conveniently in your briefcase or backpack - models available are the HH120D with basic grams weighing, and the HH120 and HH320 models with multiple weighing units. These sleek balances offer outstanding performance and exceptional value.


  • Unique hand-held design

  • Energy-saving auto shut-off feature

  • Protective snap on cover for storage and transport

  • Large high contrast display

  • Rugged plastic construction

About Block Scientific

Based in New York, Block Scientific is a global leader in providing different types of laboratory equipment and supplies. We carry an extensive inventory of the most respected brands in the industry, all from autoclaves, blood gas analyzers, co-oximeters, centrifuges, to water baths. For more information, visit our website, or call 1-866-203-5777 (Toll Free) or 631-589-1118. Email -
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