Monday, April 21, 2014

How Easy Is It to Buy Chemistry Lab Equipment Online?

Chemistry lab equipment includes a wide variety of devices, from autoclaves, centrifuges, blood gas analyzers, co-oximeters, gamma counters, and flow cytometers to microscopes, pipettes, incubators, sterilizers, and more. Today, the Internet has made shopping for lab equipment easy. You can enter an online store at the click of the mouse, browse the store from the comfort of your home or office, view products and prices, and purchase the devices you need with just a few more clicks.  However, online purchase of chemistry lab equipment can pose hassles if you don't go about it the right way. Here are some tips to make your task easier.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Medica EasyLyte Na/K Analyzer

Electrolyte analyzers are indispensable in medical laboratories and research settings. They are used to detect electrolytes in body fluids such as blood, plasma and urine. Leading manufacturers offer unique models of electrolyte analyzers to suit the diverse needs of laboratories. Medica EasyLyte Na/K Analyzer is an easy to use analyzer model that delivers accurate and precise sample test results and enhances lab workflow and productivity.

This is a completely automated, microprocessor controlled electrolyte system that utilizes current ISE (Ion Selective Electrode) technology to make electrolyte measurements. It is mainly used to measure various combinations of sodium and potassium in whole blood, serum, plasma, or urine.

Medica EasyLyte Na/K Analyzer - Features and Specifications

Medica EasyLyte Na K Analyzer provides convenient access and storage of quality data. The patient histories are immediately accessible for re-evaluation. The device features simple menu driven options with YES/NO prompted operation. It comes with automatic probe wiping and automatic on-demand calibration features.

The automatic probe wiping feature minimizes contact with patient sample device. The frequency of probe occlusion is diminished. The other important specifications of Medica EasyLyte Na/K Analyzer includes-

  • Sample type - Whole Blood, Serum, Plasma or Urine
  • Sample size - 100 ml Whole Blood, Serum or Plasma, 60 ml Capillary Sample, 400 ml diluted (1:10) Urine
  • Detection range -
    • Blood - Na+: 20-200 mmol/L, K+: 0.2-40 mmol/L
    • Urine - Na+: 25-1000 mmol/L (undiluted), K+: 1.0-500 mmol/L (undiluted)
  • Analysis time - 60 sec (Blood) 90 sec (Urine)
  • Data storage -100 patient results, 20 normal QC results, 20 abnormal QC results
  • Output - 16 place alphanumeric display, 40 column printer, Serial port (RS-232), Auto Sampler port
  • Calibration - Automatic or On-Demand
  • Resolution - Na+: 0.10 mmol/L, K+: 0.01 mmol/L
  • Size and Weight - 9.5 in. (24 cm) W x 16.5 in. (42 cm) H x 8.0 in. (20 cm) D, 13 lbs. (5.8 kg)

EasyLyte electrolyte analyzers require less maintenance and offer high reliability in one economical design. Modular design makes the device easy to maintain and repair, thus minimizing downtime. The modular solution pack eliminates waste handling and reduces contact with biohazardous material. The 800 mL reagent pack offers additional cost efficiency of up to 1330 tests per pack.

Online Lab Equipment Store for Cost-effective Purchase

Purchase of the Medica EasyLyte Na/K Analyzer online can ensure competitive pricing. A reliable lab equipment supplier will provide excellent after-sales support including installation, maintenance and repair solutions.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Medica EasyLyte Na/K/CL Analyzer Provides Accurate Electrolyte Measurements

Medica EasyLyte Plus Na/K/CL AnalyzerElectrolyte analyzers play an important role in medical laboratories and research settings. They are used to measure electrolyte concentrations present in body fluids. Leading laboratory equipment manufacturers offer advanced models of analyzers equipped with various types of features. EasyLyte Na/K/CL Analyzer from Medica is an automated, microprocessor controlled electrolyte system that delivers accurate and precise test results.

This analyzer utilizes ISE (Ion Selective Electrode) technology to make accurate electrolyte measurements. It is used to measure combinations of Na+, K+, Cl-, Li+, Ca++, and pH in whole blood, serum, plasma, or urine. Medica integrates state-of-the-art electronics and innovative ergonomic design features in this electrolyte analyzer model.

Medica EasyLyte Na/K/CL Analyzer - Innovative Features and Specifications

The Medica EasyLyte features a modular and economical design, is easy to maintain and repair, which minimizes analyzer downtime. With easy Yes/No operation, it is also user-friendly. This analyzer is designed for user safety. The Modular Solution Pack eliminates handling of waste, thereby minimizing contact with biohazardous material. In addition, it comes with automatic probe wiping to minimize contact with patient sample and reduce exposure to biohazardous material.

This analyzer allows convenient storage of and access to extensive QC and patient data. Patient histories can be immediately retrieved for re-evaluation.  The specifications of this electrolyte analyzer model are as follows

  • Sample - Whole Blood, Serum, Plasma, or Urine
  • Sample size - 100 ml Whole Blood, Serum or Plasma, 60 ml Capillary Sample, 400 ml diluted (1:10) Urine
  • Urine detection range - Na+: 25-1000 mmol/L (undiluted), K+: 1.0-500 mmol/L (undiluted), Cl-: 25-500 mmol/L (undiluted)
  • Blood detection range - Na+: 20-200 mmol/L, K+: 0.2-40 mmol/L, Cl-: 25-200 mmol/L
  • Resolution - Na+: 0.10 mmol/L, K+: 0.01 mmol/L, Cl-: 0.10 mmol/L
  • Data Storage - 100 patient results, 20 normal QC results, 20 abnormal QC results
  • Calibration - Automatic or On-Demand
  • Analysis Time - 60 sec (Blood) 90 sec (Urine)
  • Reproducibility Typical Within Run (n=20) -
    Blood, Serum, Plasma
  • Na+: CV ≤ 1% (80-200 mmol/L)
  • K+: CV ≤ 2% (1-10 mmol/L)
  • Cl-: CV ≤ 2% (80-200 mmol/L)
  • Na+: CV ≤ 5% (80-200 mmol/L)
  • K+: CV ≤ 5% (1-10 mmol/L)
  • Cl-: CV ≤ 5% (80-200 mmol/L)
  • Size and Weight - 9.5 in. (24 cm) W x 16.5 in. (42 cm) H x 8.0 in. (20 cm) D, 13 lbs. (5.8 kg)
  • Power - 100-115 ~VAC 50/60 Hz, 0.8 A or 220 ~VAC 50/60 HZ, 0.4 A (Factory set)
  • Output - 16 place alphanumeric display, 40 column printer, Serial port (RS-232), Auto Sampler port
  • Ambient Conditions - 15-32 C (60-90 F), ≤ 85% humidity
The 800 mL reagent pack provides additional cost efficiency of up to 1330 tests per pack.

Purchase from a Reliable Laboratory Equipment Supplier

It is important to buy the Medica EasyLyte Na K Cl Analyzer from a reliable laboratory equipment supplier. Online research can help you locate an established dealer. Purchase from a reliable online lab equipment store would also ensure competitive pricing. It is also important to purchase the device from a supplier that  offers superior post-sales support including maintenance and repair solutions.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Reputable Lab Equipment Supplier for Quality Products

Medical and research labs need a wide range of laboratory equipment to perform routine and advanced applications. Only a reputable lab equipment supplier can offer quality products to meet their needs.

abbott i stat abbott i stat 1 abbott laboratories Advia Centaur Alfa Wassermann ACE Analytical Balance Analytical balances analyzer autoclave autoclaves automated hematology analyzers bactec balances balances and scales bayer 248 BBL Fibrometer beckman access 2 benchtop autoclave benchtop research autoclaves BioClave Mini Benchtop blood analyzer blood analyzers blood collection blood collection device blood collection equipment Blood Collection Needles blood collection sets blood collection supplies blood culture system blood gas analyzer blood gas analyzers branded laboratory equipment cavicide caviwipes centrifuges chem well chem well analyzers chem well t chemical analyzer chemistry analyzer chemistry analyzers chemistry lab equipment chemistry laboratory equipment cholestech ldx clinical lab equipment Clinical lab expo clinical lab expo 2011 clinical laboratory equipment Clinitek Advantus Clinitek Advantus analyzer Clinitek Status+ Clot Activator Tubes coagulation analyzer dade dimension xpand DCA 2000 kit DCA 2000 Microalbumin/Creatinine DCA 2000 Reagent Kit DCA Vantage DCA Vantage analyzer disinfectant disinfectant spray disinfectant wipes disinfectants DPC Immulite DPC Immulite 1000 EasyElectrolytes easylyte analyzers easylyte electrolyte analyzer easylyte na k cl electrolyte analyzers Elecsys 2010 electrolyte analyzer electrolyte analyzers electronic medical records EPICS Altra Epoc blood analysis system Eppendorf 5415 equipment for medical lab flow cytometer flow cytometers freezers Gamma counter Greiner VACUETTE harvard trip balance hematology analyzer hematology analyzers hematology lab equipment Hematology System histology equipment i stat system IL ACL 3000 il acl analyzers immunoassay analyzer immunoassay analyzers immunoassay system immunology analyzers INCU-SHAKER Mini INRatio PT/INR Monitor ionyte ise IsoData 20/10 lab centrifuges lab equipment lab equipment repair lab equipment service lab equipment supplier lab equipment suppliers lab freezers laboratory autoclaves laboratory centrifuge laboratory centrifuges laboratory equipment laboratory equipment sale laboratory equipment supplier laboratory equipment suppliers laboratory medical equipment laboratory refrigerators laboratory refrigerators and freezers mechanical balances mechanical scales Medica 2011 Medica EasyElectrolytes medica easylyte na k analyzer medica easylyte na k cl analyzer MEDICA Trade Fair medical disinfectants medical equipment medical equipment supplier medical lab medical lab equipment medical laboratory equipment MEDLAB MEDLAB Congress Microalbumin/Creatinine kit microplate readers microplate washers microscope microscopes Mindray BC-3200 Mini VIDAS monitoring systems Multistix 7 Reagent Strips multistix reagent strips needles tubes octafuge plus centrifuges Ohaus Adventurer Pro OHAUS balances OHAUS Dial-O-Gram Triple Beam Balance point of care analyzer point of care analyzers portable balance portable balances portable scales portable weighing scales PowerSpin LX C856 Centrifuge precision balances qbc autoread QBC Autoread Plus QBC Autoread Plus Hematology System QBC STAR Hematology System qbc star system QBC STAR Tube qbc star tubes quiet running centrifugal system reagent rental plan reagent rental programs recertified centrifuges recertified equipment recertified lab equipment recertified laboratory equipment recertified medical equipment reconditioned medical equipment refrigerators refurbished laboratory equipment research laboratory research tools roche cobas mira sell lab equipment sell your lab equipment semi micro analytical balance Siemens DCA vantage spectrophotometer spectrophotometers stat fax 2600 microplate washer stat fax 4500 Sterilization sterilizers triage BNP test Triple Beam Balance unico spectrophotometers urine analyzers Urine reagent strips Uristix 4 Reagent Strips used equipment used lab equipment used laboratory equipment used medical equipment uv/vis spectrophotometers Vacuette Multi Sample Needle weighing scales